I broke my keyboard ):

and then I got a new one. It’s been a rollercoaster ride. Sunbits Project update In Jan I wrote about Sunbits Project 2022 which was an experiment to work on my personal interests. It refreshes every month for the sake of exploration and testing.

Relevant tags: Sunbits Project

Sunbits Project 2022

Happy 2022! I had a recent bout of identity crisis sometime back in Dec 2021. It opened up a pandora’s box that took a lot of time and effort to grapple with. With the help of many kind individuals that I’m surrounded with (and very grateful for), I’ve managed to have a bit more understanding about what I am now and what I will work towards.

Relevant tags: Sunbits Project

A bit: Dewey Decimal System

Have you ever looked at the spine of a library book and wondered how its call number was decided? Lucky for me, it was mentioned during work by a colleague of mine which led me into a small search on what it’s about.

Relevant tags: A bit